Thursday, October 28, 2010

UK PM Chooses Thailand For Xmas Getaway

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Britain's Prime Minister, David Cameron, is planning to spend the Christmas period in Thailand with his family, turning his back on a cold Britain, and a time when the country will start to feel the effects of the most extensive spending cuts in a generation.

A Thai source said: ‘I believe he is travelling to Bangkok at the end of this year around Christmas time and he’s going to spend some time in Bangkok and some time at one of our beaches.’ Reports over the weekend claimed Mr. Cameron had been invited to Thailand by the country’s prime minister. They were contemporaries at Eton College and Oxford, and Thai newspaper reports claim the pair have been ‘buddies’ ever since but Government sources in the UK have insisted not only are the two men not friends, they have never met.
There’s speculation as to Cameron and his family’s itinerary, with the Phuket media in particular claiming he is likely to include a stay on one of the island’s resorts, perhaps at the Amanpuri on the west coast, where various UK celebrities have chosen to hang out in the past, though the most likely choice would be Sri Panwa or Amanpuri, which are both headland resorts, a good choice for security reasons.
Mr. Cameron will inevitably face strong criticism for abandoning a country facing a Christmas of austerity, to bask in the Thai sunshine, as in 2008 when he joined a wealthy group of friends on a £21,000-a-week yacht on a week-long tour of the Turkish coast.
First-class flights to Thailand over the festive period cost more than £4,000 each and even tickets in economy seats on the cheapest airlines cost around £1,000. Government sources have stressed that Mr. Cameron was paying for the trip himself and was not planning to conduct any official business while away, but the British left wing press were demanding that he abandons his plans.
Another Downing Street spokesman refused to comment on Mr. Cameron’s holiday arrangements, saying they would not discuss his movements for ‘security reasons’ but sources close to the Camerons confirmed Thailand was pencilled in for “a well-deserved few days away”.
The Camerons will join the estimated 860,000 British tourists who will travel to Thailand on holiday this year.

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