Sunday, October 24, 2010

Thailand - Personnal Trainer for your exercise at Tao Garden Holistic Resort

Physical Fitness Test Program
Physical Fitness Test Program
Physical Fitness Test Program
Physical fitness test is a program to check fitness level of our body systems including, cardio-respiratory system, muscle strength and power, body composition, flexibility and specialized tests for those who have specific problems.  After the test, you could know your fitness level, what is your strengths and weaknesses for our personal trainer to help solve your problems and design the appropriate exercise program for you.
Progressively Accelerating Cardiopulmonary Exertion (PACE)
Progressively Accelerating Cardiopulmonary Exertion (PACE)
PACE Program
PACE means Progressively Accelerating Cardiopulmonary Exertion and is one of many types of exercise programs that are becoming more popular.  PACE can help you improve your fitness level quickly and help you lose weight, increased your muscle strength/ power, increase immunity and improve your cardio-respiratory system.
Weight Training Program
Weight Training Program
Wight Training Exercise Program
Weight training is one type of exercise program; the purpose is to improve muscle strength, power, muscle size and endurance. It is also an importance component of     physical fitness.  If you want to stay healthy, weight training is another option for you.

Stretching Exercise
Stretching Exercise
Stretching Exercise Program
Stretching exercise is one more choice to improve your health. If your body is low in flexibility, it can make it more difficult to move your limbs, to do your job or do fun activities; it can increase the risk of the injury to your joints, tendons and ligaments.  Especially as you get older, your body might become less flexible, therefore; stretching exercise is importance to help keep you healthy.
Exercise with Vibration, Power plate and Trampoline
Vibration Program
Vibration Program
All vibration machines can help you to improve on lymph systems, blood circulatory systems, stimulate cell/ tissues and all internal organs to work more efficiency.  In addition, during you exercise on a vibration machine, you should do some active movements to help you burn more fat, develop more strength and support joints. Our personal trainer can help you to do all this exercise machines.
Water Exercise
Water exercise is also one of the more programs for those who have limitations to exercise on land.  For patients who have joint pain or unable to exercise on land, the water program might help. People who have muscle tension/ spasticity and poor balance with exercise on land, these problems can be solved with water exercise; in addition, you can apply the PACE concept in the water.

Yoga Exercise
Yoga is a combine exercise of the physical, mind and emotion.  Therefore, if you practice yoga, you can get more benefits when compare to the others general exercises.  Yoga has many benefits including improve flexibility of joints, muscles and ligaments, improve joint lubrication, help to massage internal organs, detoxification, relaxation the body and mind, stimulate bone growth, stimulate the lymph systems and improve blood circulations.
Bamboo Exercise
Bamboo exercise is the exercise program by it purposes to help some people who have joint stiff, pain, balance problems and some have no sport equipment.  It can help you improve range of motion of your joint, improve your cardiovascular system, increase your muscle strength, improve muscle and joint flexibility and can massage your muscle also.

Mixed Exercise Program
Mixed exercise program is a type of combine the three most importance components of physical fitness together to get more benefits from training including; the cardiovascular system [which we train with PACE concept], muscle strength and power, and flexibility system.
Sports Knocker Program
Sport playing is the other choice for you to stay in health.  At Tao-garden, we have tennis court, badminton court, table tennis, basketball field, futsal field and boxing equipments service for all guests, if anybody want to play all these sport, our personal trainer can play and teach the basic for you.
Exercise outside of Tao-Garden [Mae Kuang Dam]
Mae Kuang Dam is one more choice of exercise that we offer you, it is a very nice place to help you relax and have fun. In addition, on the way to the dam you can see Thai folkways and can help you understand Thai culture/ people.  On the dam, there is a long road, which you can walk, jog, run or bike with our personal trainer.
Trekking and Hiking
Trekking and hiking are the outdoor physical activity of walking and climbing in the natural places [Mae Kuang Dam].  These activities can make you fun, enjoy and can also improve your endurance on cardiovascular system and muscular system.  We have sport instructor or personal trainer who go with you, help you, encourage you and save you from any problems that might be happened. Moreover, on the way of the trip you can see Thai folkways and can help you understand Thai culture/ people.

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